Sunday, 29 July 2018

Blogging Catch Up......Sunday 29th July 2018.

Due to several factors,mainly dragonfly recording and holidaying,the birding blog has taken a bit of back shelf lately,so i thought i would do a quick summary of where i have been for the last month or so and some of the birds,wildlife and wildflowers we have seen on our travels.I will just post a series of photos,as it will take me forever to write everything down,the following are a selection of some of the many highlights.
Roe Deer Doe,Goxhill Haven,Lincolnshire.

Lapwing Chick,East Halton Skitter,Lincolnshire.

Xylota sylvarum,Thorne Moors NNR,South East Yorkshire.

Early Instar Heather Bug,Crowle Moor NNR,Lincolnshire.

Jay Feather Found On Crowle Moor NNR,Lincolnshire.

Scarce Vapourer Caterpillar,Thorne Moors NNR,South East Yorkshire.

Female Adder,Crowle Moor NNR,Lincolnshire.

Kittiwakes,Marine Drive Scarborough,North Yorkshire.

Kittiwake,Scarborough,North Yorkshire.

Juvenile Swallow,Scalby Mills,Scarborough,North Yorkshire.

Large Heath,Crowle Moor NNR,Lincolnshire.


Stair Hole,Lulworth,Dorset.

Man O War Beach,Dorset.

Durdle Door,Dorset.

Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Lulworth Skipper,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Female Four-spotted Footman,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Chalk Carpet,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Golden Samphire,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Long-winged Conehead,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.

Male Grey-bush Cricket,Lulworth Cove,Dorset.