Saturday, 28 December 2024

December 2024 Local Patch Roundup

The last month of the year saw some great birding as always, with the yearlist finishing on a pretty good 165 species.

The months visits produced some brilliant birds and the following summary is what i saw during this brilliant month.

Sunday 1st

A fairly steady start to the month today saw 60 species being recorded, with a few highlights which included an adult Peregrine crossing the estuary from Yorkshire and 7 Barnacle Geese with the Greylag flock on the marshes.

Some really good numbers of Wildfowl and Waders were around with 653 Wigeon on the marshes, along with 955 Lapwings. Other species here included 4 Black-tailed Godwits, 75 Curlew, 6 Dunlin and 300 Greylags.

On Winter's the best sightings went to 4 Pochard, 16 Tufties a Great-crested & 8 Little grebes.

Friday 6th

A nice find today as i looked across the fields after arriving at Winter's, was a pair of lovely Russian White-fronted Geese. They were loosely associating with the local Greylags, along with 13 Barnacle Geese and gave some nice views through the scope.

On Winter's the Pochard flock had grown to 18 birds, with 8 Little Grebe, Kingfisher and 18 each of Gadwall and Shoveler.

On the marshes, at least 500 Wigeon were present along with 650 Lapwings, a good count of 105 Curlew, 6 Redshank, a single Ruff and 42 Dunlin.

Other highlights included a cracking count of 41 Yellowhammer along Skitter Road, 40 Blackbird around the whole patch and 2 Jay along Jericho Lane, with a nice surprise between the Skitter and Winter's of a flock of 6 Goosander, the largest count of the year.

Sunday 8th

Horrendous weather conditions today as storm Darragh hit the UK, saw me parking on the floodbank at the Skitter in an attempt to see if any seabirds would get pushed up the estuary.

The best of it went to 2 adult Kittiwake as they flew north here, including one which i could almost have touched as it flew past my car window along the sea wall and a single Drake Pintail which flew north also.

Other Gulls seen included birds also moving north, with 225 Herring and 42 Great black-backed Gulls counted.

The Russian White-fronted Geese were also still along Marsh Lane with the Lag flock.

Saturday 14th

A visit to Goxhill Haven first thing proved a good choice, as a Tundra Bean Goose was seen with Pink-footed Geese on fields near the haven. Unfortunately it did not hang around and headed over the Humber to Yorkshire, calling as it went, the lack of photos was annoying, but the light was rubbish.

Other sightings of note along here included 228 Goldeneye floating along on the outgoing tide, a single Drake Goosander which flew west, 3 Grey Partridge, 67 Turnstone, 12 Grey Plover and 17 Bar-tailed Godwit.

As i walked back to the car, a pair of Stonechat were nice to see.

I then drove over to East Halton, this proved a good move!.

After getting the gear together, a quick scan of the main lake, saw a sleeping Grebe at the far end which had a rounded head and no crest, bloody hell a Red-necked Grebe!!!!.

I quickly moved around to the other side of the plantation near the car park and began to enjoy watching my first ever patch Red-necked Grebe.

After talking to GPC, this is incredibly the first record for the local patch since 1979!, this made the find even more sweeter.

Other nice birds around included the 13 Barnies still, but no sign of the White-fronts, 44 Shoveler, 18 Pochard still, a merlin along Marsh Lane and a Barn Owl hunting along Marsh lane at dusk.

Sunday 15th

Another visit to the Winter's/East Halton Marshes area today, saw the lovely Red-necked Grebe still here, along with the 13 Barnacle Geese, 741 Wigeon in the area and the Pochard flock now at 21 birds, with 3 Goldeneye also on Winter's, a lovely adult Drake, 1st winter Drake and a single female. Along the shoreline towards Killingholme Haven, was a cloud of 725 Lapwing, a great sight to see as they were flushed by an unseen raptor no doubt.

A good count of 93 Redwing, included 77 in one flock along Skitter Road and a couple of Snow Buntings were seen flying north along the floodbank near to the Skitter, the third record of the year.

Friday 20th

After breaking up for the Christmas period, it was great to get out to the patch again today and really nice to see the Red-necked Grebe still here.

It gave it's usual distant views, keeping to the southern side of the lake. Other species seen here included two cracking Wildfowl counts of 97 Gadwall and now 26 Pochard!. The latter is my largest count for the local patch since the days of the wintering Aythya flock off New Holland/Goxhill in the late 80's/early 90's.

The Barnacle Goose flock has now dropped down to 6 birds, with 16 Canada Geese making an appearance.

The only other highlight seen, was an adult Peregrine which flew over the marshes towards Killingholme.

Sunday 22nd 

Another visit to East Halton today saw a pretty decent count of 64 species being recorded during the day.

On Winter's the Red-necked Grebe was still present, now for its 8th day and i managed to find another Russian White-front with a flock of 97 Pink-footed Geese as they fed on the fields near the car park entrance. This bird showed really nicely and i managed to take some decent phone-scoped video and photos of the bird. After studying my photos and video later that day, it was clear this bird was definitely different to the other two birds seen on the weekend of 7th/8th due to its differing belly bar markings.

Other species around Winter's included 43 Canada Geese, 7 Barnacle Geese, 245 Greylags, the 26 Pochard still, 54 Gadwall and 14 Little Grebe. Also here, were the first 2 Little Egret i have seen on the site for a while and also the Kingfisher put in another appearance and it showed really well too for a change.

On the marshes a cracking Merlin showed nicely and 245 Wigeon were seen along with a superb count of 3250 Lapwing, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Redshank and 15 Dunlin.

A couple of nice species along Jericho Lane in the form of 2 Goldcrest and a Mistle Thrush were great to see.

82 Avocet at East Halton Skitter were the final notable sighting of the visit.

Wednesday 25th

A nice wander in incredibly mild conditions with Trace today up at Goxhill, saw very few notable sightings apart from a good count of 465 Goldeneye between New Holland and Goxhill Haven on the Humber.

Well what a cracking year again around this fantastic birding area, with 4 new patch additions during the year and lots of great sightings, i now look forward to starting again afresh on January 2nd.

Lovely Skies At Winter's Pond.

East Halton Marshes.

A Confiding Little Egret, Winter's Pond.

Kingfisher, Winter's Pond.

Lapwings, East Halton Marshes.

Russian White-fronted Goose, East Halton.

Merlin, East Halton Marshes.

Stunning Light & Skies At Goxhill.

Sleeping Red-necked Grebe, Winter's Pond.


Grey Heron, Winter's Pond.

Russian White-fronted Geese.

Stunning Skies After a Rain Storm At East halton.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Barton Richard's Pipit, Tuesday December 24th 2024

After a well timed message from GPC to say ND had found a pretty unseasonal Richard's Pipit at Chowder Ness at Barton, i made the short journey over to have a look.

The bird had been found feeding along the grass banks of Chowder Ness tidal realignment area, but on arrival there was no one looking, but thankfully i bumped into birding buddy, Darren Wozencroft.

He said he had possibly seen the bird, but it had maybe flown along the edge of the new workings between Chowder and Far-ings.

After walking along the area and drawing a blank, Darren went for a look from Ness hide for a while and i went back to Chowder and after a short while i located the bird.

It was feeding along the grass banks on the eastern side of Chowder, but for no reason it got up flew over my head calling and into an open area in the reedbed to perhaps roost.

A brief sighting, but it was nice to see and hear one again.

Darren and myself had another look, but it had obviously gone to roost and we wandered back to Far-ings.

Before i left for home, i took some photos of a lovely sunset which was really colourfull.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Local Patching.......November 2024 Roundup.

A pretty decent month saw some great sightings from the local patch at East Halton/Goxhill, with a couple of year list additions putting it on 163, a fairly decent effort.

The following is my summary of sightings:  

Friday 1st

A good start to the month saw me covering Goxhill and East Halton.

I have designed a loop trail at Goxhill that takes me from the Haven, west along the Humber bank, down past Quebec Cottages, then along past the Tilery, then along West Marsh Lane(Syke's Lane as i always knew it) and then back along Ferry Road and back to the car.

It covers some decent habitat and today's highlights went to a lovely Peregrine hunting along Ferry Road, 4 Knot near Goxhill Haven and the fantastic sight of 10,000 Starlings heading east over the fields.

After lunch i travelled over to East Halton and spent the rest of the day around Winter's and East Halton Marshes, with the best sightings going to 4 Whooper Swans, 2 Barnacle Geese and a Great-white Egret on the marshes and a Green Sand on Winter's, making for an enjoyable day out.

Saturday 2nd

An all day visit to the Winter's area saw a quieter day than yesterday, but i still managed a good count of 71 species.

Highlights went to the long staying Greenshank still in residence at the Skitter and a Corn Bunting with the Bunting/Finch flock near East Halton Grange, the latter being the first sighting for the patch for the year.

Other bits and bobs included 7 Common Scoter which flew north along the Humber, the 2 Barnacle Geese still with the Greylag flock on the marshes and 2 Goldeneye on Winter's.

Saturday 9th

An early start at Winter's today saw a few nice birds being seen, which included 2 Red-throated Diver together, which flew out south along the Humber and 5 Common Scoter which flew north and then drifted out south later.

On the ponds, 3 Pochard were nice, a pretty scarce bird  here and the marshes held 3 Barnacle Geese now, along with at least 450 Wigeon and 2500 Pinks flew north west.

The lovely sight of 121 Avocet was witnessed as they fed along the Humber mud towards the Skitter.

The unfortunate sight of a freshly killed Water Rail at Winter's in the afternoon, goes to show how vulnerable some birds are to predators, which of course, have to survive also.

Non bird sightings today went to 2 Grey Seal on the Humber and a lovely Fox at East Halton.

Sunday 10th

I carried out the Goxhill loop again this morning, seeing a few nice birds which included a single Whooper Swan with a curious kinked neck, which flew east at Goxhill Haven, A Redhead Goosander which flew by in the same direction.

Two Peregrines over the fields towards New Holland were great to see and hear, with 42 Redwing, 34 Fieldfare and a good count for these days of 30 Yellowhammer, all entered the notes.

An afternoon visit to the Winter's area, saw 3 Pintail being the best sighting on the marshes, with a Great-crested Grebe on Winter's itself.

Saturday 16th

A good day again around the East Halton area, saw highlights going to a Short-eared Owl which crossed the Humber from Yorkshire, a lovely Kingfisher along East Halton Beck, Ruff and Greenshank at the Skitter and 4 female Common Scoter which flew north along the Humber.

On the ponds 21 Little Grebe was a good count and in the bushes, 30 Blackbird, 49 Fieldfare and 57 Redwing saw Thrush numbers building.

Sunday 17th

A cracking days birding today, saw me covering Goxhill first in the morning in a north westerly airflow, which i was convinced would turn up some Snow Buntings as they often do at this time of year.

The above was proved correct, with a flock of 10 birds between Goxhill Haven and Dawson City which showed nicely with patience, but they were very jumpy.

Other nice sightings around this area went to 64 Goldeneye off Goxhill Haven, 50 Ringed Plover, 27 Grey Plover and a cracking Merlin which flew close overhead as i was re-locating the Snow Buntings.

In the afternoon i made my way over to the Winter's area, which proved a good move, as i found 2 Purple Sandpipers as they flew past me and began feeding along the shore between Winter's and the Skitter.

With a little patience they showed really nicely and i managed to get some decent video and phone-scoped pics. These are the first Purple Sands here for me since May 1990, so a monster find locally!.

Also along this area were 2 more Snow Buntings, so 12 for the day was excellent.

Other good sightings in the area included a lovely adult Med Gull sat on the Humber with a mixed Gull flock and 105 Avocet feeding along the shore towards the Skitter.

Friday 22nd

Some proper winter weather today, with freezing temperatures and a light covering of snow, saw a spectacular sunrise at Winter's, with a great chance to take some photos.

Onto the birds, the Barnacle Geese had now risen to 5 birds with the Greylag flock, with 5 Whooper Swan also being seen, which included 2 adults and a juvenile which flew north over East Halton Marshes and a further 2 juveniles which spent some time with the Mute Swans on Winter's before flying off.

Also on Winter's were a Kingfisher, 77 Gadwall, 675 Wigeon, 465 Greylags, 20 Shoveler and 16 Tufted Duck, with 3 Pintail also flying north along the Humber.

Thrush numbers were also good here, with 156 Redwing, 18 Fieldfare, 3 Song Thrush and 16 Blackbirds.

Sunday 24th

A really good visit today regarding the commoner species, with some pleasing counts, with the marshes coming into Its own now.

As mentioned above, some good counts were had on the marshes today, with 600 Wigeon, 473 Teal, 2555 Lapwing, 17 Black-tailed Godwit, 14 Redshank, 3 Ruff and 8 Dunlin being present making for some enjoyable viewing.

On Winter's the Kingfisher was seen again and 11 Moorhen, 2 Pochard and 14 Little Grebe were also present.

In the Winter's/Marshes/Skitter area, there were 3000 Starlings, 4 Stonechat, 282 Redwing, 18 Blackbirds and 510 Fieldfare with 2 Knot also at the Skitter.

 Saturday 30th

The final day of the month saw me visiting the Winter's area again, walking the square and recording a good 71 species.

This seems to be around the average number recorded on most visits, which is pretty decent to be fair.

The best sightings on today's visit went to 7 Barnacle Geese on the marshes with the Lags, 550 Wigeon, 287 Teal, 18 Tufties and a whopping count for Winter's of 21 Pochard. The latter is a record count for the site and was really great to see.

Away from wildfowl, 2 Woodcock was a good day count for the daylight hours, with 1 in East Halton village and another bird at the Skitter. Other waders seen included 3 Ruff on the marshes again, 62 Curlew and 565 Lapwing.

A superb count of 25,000 Starlings was made as they left their roost at dawn from Killingholme Haven and 7 Stonechat, 32 Fieldfare, 26 Blackbird, 13 Yellowhammer and another Corn Bunting.

The latter sighting was a new bird for the Winter's list and a very welcome sighting.

Well that's another month over and what an enjoyable one, what a great patch!

Grey Heron, Winter's Pond.

Spectacular Skies

One Of The Two Purple Sandpipers.

Snow Bunting, Goxhill Haven.

Snow Buntings, Goxhill Haven.

Water Rail Remains, After A Sparrowhawk Had Caught & Eaten It.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Donna Nook, Saturday 26th October & Sunday 3rd November 2024

Saturday 26th October

After receiving a message from GPC that he had found a 1st Winter Black-faced Bunting on Friday 25th, it was an absolute no brainer to go and try to see this bird, as it was not only the 12th record for Britain, but also another county first for Graham and incredibly his 13th!!!!. 

Saturday morning came around and as i travelled towards Donna, few patches of mist soon subsided to a fairly clear sky.

The sunrise was stunning and i stopped along with Jon to admire it and take a few photos, before we began to search in hope for the Bunting along with a handful of others.

As we walked a few parties of Whooper Swans flew south totalling 24 birds and a single immature Spoonbill was also logged, my latest record.

Very few migrants were in the dunes, but quite a lot of Reed Buntings had us grilling every group in the hope we would find the Black-faced.

After a while GPC arrived and myself, Jon and Wayne Gillatt, Neil D and Dave H all spread out in the continued search for the star bird.

Just as we were about to give up, GPC received a phone call that the bird had incredibly been trapped at quad 3, approximately 2 miles south of Stonebridge Car Park and it was going to be released at the car park at 10am.

We all made our way to back to Stonebridge to a beaming Owen Beaumont as he arrived with the bird and quickly showed it to all present before he released the bird into the adjacent Hawthorn scrub.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!. 

The bird flew off with a few tick calls on release and about ten minutes later appeared in the top of a Hawthorn showing briefly, before flying off slightly south of the car park, disappearing into thick scrub, and that was that for us.

It all happened so quickly, but i was very glad to have been in the area to see this mega. It was my second sighting of the species, after twitching the 1st at Pennington Flashes with GPC in March 1994, which was also the first record for Britain.

We stayed around the general area of Stonebridge after Tim and Arash arrived in case the bird was seen again and added some other nice sightings to the day list which included a Great-northern Diver sat on the sea, 3 Little Gull which flew south, Merlin, Peregrine, 5 Greenshank and a late Swallow making for a cracking day out.

The events surrounding the Bunting were very fortuitous and a big thank you must go to Owen for bringing the bird to show us all. 

Sunday 3rd November

After hearing Graham had relocated the Bunting again near to Pye's Hall on Tuesday 29th October, i thought to myself i would try again at Donna and spend the whole day on site and see what i could find.

A cloudier day today than on our last visit saw me covering the area between Stonebridge and Pye's during the day and putting together a very impressive day list which added up to a brilliant 78 species.

Highlights went to 13 Whooper Swan which flew south, the 2 immature Spoonbills still, 2 Greenshank, a 1st winter Spotted Redshank, 2 White-fronted Geese which flew south, a Red-breasted Merganser which flew north along the tide edge, 6 Great-white Egret, Peregrine, Kingfisher, female Hen Harrier and a Donna Nook tick for me, a Raven.

The latter showed brilliantly at Pye's with that awesome cronking call.

As the day wore on a few migrants began to arrive which included a couple of Woodcock which flew in off the sea, my first Fieldfare of the autumn and a handful of Redwings and Blackies.

A scan of the saltmarsh, located the bizarre looking leucistic Dark-bellied Brent Goose 'Lucy' which had wintered at Spurn the previous winter and she gave some great views as she fed out on the developing foreshore.

As i walked a well timed WhatsApp message from GPC to say a Pallas's Warbler had been found back at Stonebridge car park, ten minutes later and i was watching this stunning little Siberian sprite as it flitted about in the willow at the entrance to the car park.

It gave some cracking views and it even called on a few occasions with that canary like 'Chuee' call they have, what a belting bird to end the visit......well almost, as i watched the Pallas's a Black Redstart was seen on the roof of the house were the Pallas's was feeding, what a great day and this site really is a special one!.

Donna Nook Dawn, 26th October.

A Stunning Sunrise, 26th October.

Common Buzzard, 26th October.

1st Winter Female Black-faced Bunting, Note the distinct pink lower mandible, head pattern, Dunnock like mantle pattern and yellowish wash to the underparts.

Dozing Spoonbill, 3rd November.

Black Redstart Record Shot, 3rd November.