Monday 29 July 2024

Sunny Scarborough & Lovely Thornton-Le-Dale, Sunday 28th July 2024.

A day out with Tracey, Michelle & Lee to Scarborough and the picturesque village of Thornton-le-Dale in some stunning weather, saw us all having a cracking day out.

While we left the ladies to go shopping, Lee and myself visited Scarborough Castle, which was a first for us both.

The following are my favourite photos from our day, including the stunning views from the castle headland.

Scarborough Harbour

Views Across South Bay

North Bay, Viewed From Scarborough Castle

Scarborough Castle

More Views Of North Bay

South Bay & The Harbour Taken From The Castle

A View Of The 17th Century Gun Battery At The Castle

Scarborough Harbour & Castle

Beck Isle Cottage, Thornton-le-Dale, The Most Photographed House In Yorkshire

Friday 26 July 2024

Chamber's Farm Wood, Sunday 14th July 2024.

 A change of scenery today, with an organised meet up with Dave and later meeting up with Liam, saw some great insects being found during the 4 hours i was on site.

After a nice drive over from Barnetby, i got my gear together and decided to have a quick look in the butterfly garden before Dave arrived. This proved a VERY good decision as i found a stonking Hoverfly in the form of my first Callicera aurata or Golden Longhorn as it is now called.

This species of Hoverfly is rarely seen as an adult and it was a total stroke of luck when i found it, but what a find!. It is obviously my first sighting of this arboreal species and another really nice species to add to my growing list of species I've seen to date.

Other species seen in and around the garden included a nice male Merodon equestris or Narcissus Bulb Hoverfly, which i managed to get some nice photos of also.

When Dave arrived we went for a walk up to Little Scrubbs meadow, but it was really disappointing for Butterflies, apart for a few Silver-washed Fritillaries, a handful of Purple Hairstreak's and 3 White Admiral. The star of the show from the Butterfly world was a smart White-letter Hairstreak watched taking salt from the path up to five ways, a habit i hadn't seen for some time from this species.

We kept looking and slowly got a few nice insects to show from the visit which included Dock Bug, a lovely Volucella zonaria and a few Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetles, but it was very poor for insect numbers.

The final few sightings occurred around the Butterfly garden with Liam kindly showing us our first Pseudo Scorpion, a family i had long wanted to see and hadn't really realised just how small they are, amazing insects!. As i wandered back to the car a male Roesel's-bush Cricket was sat on my windscreen and i took advantage taking a few pics with the phone.

A nice few hours here, but very disappointing for numbers of insects, these cold and wet springs really are ruining some species outlooks.

Hoverfly species - Eristalis nemorum - or Stripe-faced Drone Fly

The Day's Star Find - Hoverfly Callicera aurata or Golden Longhorn

Hoverfly species - Merodon equestris or Narcissus Bulb Hoverfly

Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle

Soldier Fly species - Chloromyia formosa - or Broad Centurion

A very smart Dock Bug

Hoverfly species - Volucella zonaria - or Hornet-mimic Plumehorn

The Diminutive Pseudo Scorpion species Pselaphochernes scorpioides

Male Roesel's-bush Cricket.


Friday 12 July 2024

Local Patching Roundup - June 2024

A compilation of the months sightings from my local patch here:

Sunday 7th 

The usual suspects around Winter's at the start of today's visit, but what quickly became apparent, was a good movement of Swifts for here, with 332 birds flying north.

It was also great to see 2 Cuckoo, a male and a female, hopefully they will be successful in breeding.

The marshes also held a few niceties which included 7 Ringed Plover, 17 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 Dunlin, with a Whimbrel still along the Humber shoreline.

A count of 25 Little Egret was also pleasing, along with 13 Teal, a further 153 Swift north, 15 House and 6 Sand Martin.

The most incredible sighting of the day was seen as i walked along the floodbank between Winter's and the Skitter, when i saw the amazing sight of a Nuthatch flying past me calling. I watched in amazement as the bird flew along the hedgerow before i lost it in the direction of Winter's.

This constitutes the first record of the species for the patch and an unexpected one to be honest, not being overly blessed with woodland here.

A few mammals seen today included several Roe Deer and a lovely Fox.

Saturday 15th

An early morning start as always today, saw some decent numbers of Wildfowl on Winter's, with 183 Greylags and 17 Mute Swans, along with 44 Mallard, the usual 3 Coots and 2 Oystercatcher.

Overhead 21 Swifts were feeding and a scan of the Humber saw a single drake Common Scoter being seen.

The marshes again held a few birds, but the water levels are rapidly dropping now.

Best sightings went to 3 Ringed and 2 Little-ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin,4 Shoveler and 13 Little Egret.

A lovely Barn Owl was watched hunting at East Halton Grange, certainly brightening up the day.

The Skitter area was quite productive today. with 2 Snipe,1 Whimbrel, a lovely Water Rail and a couple of hunting Marsh Harriers.

Saturday 22nd

An early start again today saw a few fledged youngsters from several species around the site, this included Whitethroat, Long-tailed Tits, Starlings and Dunnock, in what seems so far as being a disappointing breeding season. This is due to the rubbish spring weather, cool temps and rain don't make for great conditions for raising young unfortunately. 

On the ponds 22 Mute Swan, 138 Greylags, 2 Tufties and the 3 Coots made for some steady viewing.

All was not doom and gloom though,as the local Oystercatchers were noisily showing their brood of 2 fledged chicks off on the marshes, chasing all intruders away and making for some great viewing.

Also on the marshes were 1 Little-ringed Plover, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, the first returning Green Sand of their southerly bound migration, 6 Grey Heron and the best of all, a whopping count of 41 Little Egret. This is the largest count of the species for the patch to date and great to see.

The Skitter was fairly quiet, but it was nice to see a Barn Owl, 13 Lapwing and a Water Rail.

A steady month as is usual with June, the following are a selection of my favourite photos from the visits.

Mute Swan, Winter's Pond, 7th.

Roe Deer Buck, East Halton Marshes, 7th.

Skitter Road, 7th.

Hoverfly - Volucella pelluscens - Or Pied Plumehorn, Skitter Road, 7th.

Hoverfly - Episyrphus balteatus - Or Marmalade Hoverfly, Skitter Road, 7th.

Hoverfly - Cheilosia illustrata - Or Bumblebee Blacklet, Skitter Road, 7th.

East Halton Skitter, 7th.

Cranefly Species, Nephrotoma flavescens, Skitter Road, 22nd.

Harlequin Ladybird, Redhouse Wood, 22nd.

Soldier Fly Species, Chloromyia formosa, Or Broad Centurion, Skitter Road, 22nd.

East Halton Skitter, 22nd.

Thursday 4 July 2024

North Wales & The Peak District, Thursday 27th - Sunday 30th June 2024.

Four days away with Mrs R primarily to attend two gigs, one at Llangollen to see Suede & Manic Street Preachers on the Friday and Slow Readers Club at Castleton in the Peak District on Saturday saw us fitting in some lovely visits to Snowdonia, The Vale Of Llangollen and the Castleton area.

Day One - Thursday 27th June

An early morning start saw us making the 3.5 hour journey through the Pennines and then into North Wales and into the Snowdonia National Park to carry out a lovely walk at beautiful Beddgelert.

This walk takes in some lovely scenery walking from the village and along the River Glaslyn, up to Llyn Dinas and then over the mountain tops to Nantmor and then back along the stunning Aberglaslyn Pass to Beddgelert.

Although it was cloudy, the scenery is just breathtaking and it was a real pleasure to be back here again.

A few bird and wildlife highlights included Bloody-nosed Beetles, Dipper, Grey Wagtails and a few Common Buzzards, but again it was the scenery that was the star.

After completing our walk we had some well earned food before a couple of stops on the way to Llangollen, which included the lovely Llyn Gwynant and a first for us the beautiful Swallow Falls near to Betwys Y Coed.

The latter was incredible and some of the best falls we have seen.

After enjoying the falls we made our way to Llangollen and our cottage for the next two nights at nearby Trevor.

Day Two - Friday 28th June

After a decent night's sleep after the previous days early start, we spent the day around the Llangollen area visiting Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Llangollen itself and the lovely nearby Plas Newydd.

The scenery around Llangollen and the valley area is pretty impressive to say the least and it was really enjoyable having a more relaxed day today.

Day Three - Saturday 29th June

After packing our kit into the car this morning we made the 2 hour journey over to Castleton in the Peak District for gig number two.

We spent the day today just chilling and having some nice lunch out before meeting our friends for the gig.

Day Four - Sunday 30th June

Our final day away today, saw us getting up relatively early and heading out to complete a circular walk taking in Hollins Cross & Mam Tor and then back into Castleton.

The scenery was stunning as always, a bit cloudy today, but frankly i couldn't care less as it was just great to be visiting this lovely area again!.

As we hadn't been into Treak Cliff Cavern in the past, today was the day and I'm so glad we did as it was superb. The formations of Blue John were impressive along with the Crinoid fossils and Stalactites, making for some amazing viewing.

A few birds on the wander today included 4 lovely Ravens.

Well what an amazing few days away, the following are my favourite photos from the trip.

Stalactites, Treak Cliff Cavern.

Crinoid Fossils.

Blue John Vein.

Back Tor.

Mrs R At The Summit Of Mam Tor.

Kinder Scout Plateau & Edale.

Hollins Cross & Win Hill From Mam Tor.

Mam Tor.


Plas Newydd.


Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

Mandarin Duck Family, Trevor.

Trace & Myself At Swallow Falls.

Trace & Myself, Llyn Gwynant.

Mrs R At Beddgelert.

The Aberglaslyn Pass.

Waterfall At Nantmor

Bloody-nosed Beetle.

Mountain Scenery.

Mrs R After Climbing Up From Llyn Dinas.

Llyn Dinas.

Drinker Moth Caterpillar

Llyn Dinas.
