Wednesday 29 May 2024

Hartington - Beresford Dale - Wolfscote Dale - Biggin Dale - Hartington Circular, Sunday 26th May 2024.

 A day off with Mrs R and not too bad a forecast with the threat of thundery showers and sunny periods saw us heading out to the 'White Peak' area of the lovely Peak District to complete a walk we had only previously done once before.

As we arrived at the lovely little village of Hartington, it was a bit cloudy but at least it was dry.

We got our boots on, a drink in the rucksack and we were off.

The walk starts by heading across cow pastures, but then soon arrives at the lovely little Morson Wood, before it opens out into Beresford Dale and Pike Pool.

This is a compact little area to start with, walking beside the River Dove and it then opens out before you reach the bridge and cross into the stunning Wolfscote Dale.

This area really is amazing with it's fantastic limestone scenery, reminding me a little of Gordale Scar in the Yorkshire Dales.

You then carry on through the dale beside the River Dove, before you turn left into Biggin Dale and back towards Hartington.

Biggin Dale is looking a little untidy in places, due to the sad sight of Ash dieback disease depleting the local Ash trees, but the Redstarts seemed to like this area, with several singing males.

Other birds seen and heard included 4 Dippers including a nesting pair, 10 singing male Redstart, a single Raven, my first 4 Spotted Flycatchers of the year and the lovely local Grey Wagtails.

Amongst the great showing of Wildflowers on the walk, we came across a few areas where the stunning Early Purple Orchids were growing and i managed to get a few nice pics too.

After completing this cracking walk, we of course visited the famous cheese shop before a superb meal at the Cavendish Arms.

What a brilliant day, the following are my favourite photos:

The Start Of The Walk Across Fields To Beresford Dale.

Beresford Dale.

The Bridge You Cross Over Into Wolfscote Dale.

Wolfscote Dale.

Dipper Collecting Food.

Early Purple Orchid.

A Singing Male Redstart.

Biggin Dale.

Heading Back Towards Hartington.

St. Giles Church, Hartington.


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