Tuesday 11 June 2024

Burnsall To Grassington, 'The Dales Way', Sunday 9th June 2024.

Today saw us heading to the lovely Dales village of Burnsall after our overnight stay in Leeds to see the fantastic James in concert.

The weather forecast wasn't that great to be fair, but we stuck at it and arrived at a cloudy Burnsall and parked beside the lovely River Wharfe.

After packing the rucksack with our kit, we set off along this wonderful section of this famous river.

It soon became apparent that we were not the only people out today, with several groups of walkers heading in both directions to and from Grassington.

This walk really has some great features from the dramatic Loupe Scar were the River Wharfe has carved a gorge through the landscape, to the superb bridge at Hebden and the fantastic rapids and waterfalls at Linton. It soon becomes a realisation why this walk is so popular and  this coupled with some great wildlife and birds makes it a no brainer for us and is one of our most favourite walks.

Today's highlights along the river bird wise included only a single Dipper at Linton, along with a female Goosander with a whopping brood of 10 ducklings, a couple of Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Green Woodpecker, Red Kite and a new species for me along here, a Little-ringed Plover.

On the same flash as the LRP at Linton it was really great to see a newly fledged Redshank with its parents.

A stop at Grassington for some well earned lunch before the return leg in slightly warmer conditions, saw us again completing this brilliant walk.

The following are my favourite photos from our day along this beautiful part of the Dales.

Burnsall Bridge

Grassington Bridge

Linton Falls

Loupe Scar


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