Friday 27 September 2024

Northumberland - Day 4, Seahouses, Farne Islands & Lindisfarne Return, Wednesday 18th September 2024.

 Today we had booked on a trip out from Seahouses, to sail out and around the Farne Islands and then up to Lindisfarne and back to Seahouses, which included a 3 hour stop on Lindisfarne included in the trip.

A bit of a wait around Seahouses before we caught the boat out, saw us seeing the very strange looking Drake Eider x Mallard hybrid that is a resident around Seahouses.

He gave some great views and it passed the time nicely while we waited for the boat.

Then we were off, first we sailed out to Inner Farne and then on past Staple and Brownsman Islands before arriving at Longstone and its iconic red and white Lighthouse, where in 1838 Grace Darling famously helped save the lives of 9 members of the crew of the paddle steamer the Forfarshire when it ran aground.

We visited one of the islands were the local Grey Seals are present and they gave their usual inquisitive superb views.

After visiting the Farnes, it was on to Lindisfarne and after 45 minutes we were landing on the island.

Today we concentrated our time visiting the amazing Lindisfarne Priory and the many gift shops and had some lovely lunch as well. It was just nice to have a more relaxed visit to the island today, compared to the walk the previous day, what a really great place to visit.

The journey back along the coast did not reveal the hoped for Dolphins, but we did manage to see a Harbour Porpoise and several groups of diving Gannets and Arctic and Sandwich Terns.

Another brilliant day enjoyed in this cracking part of the world.

Eider x Mallard Hybrid, Seahouses.

Adult Great black-backed Gull, Seahouses.

Inner Farne.

Inner Farne, Cheviot & Bamburgh Castle.

Longstone Lighthouse.

Lindisfarne Castle.

Lindisfarne Priory.

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