Friday, 7 February 2025

A New Patch Year!......January 2025 Roundup.

A New Year arrived and because i was away in the Lake District with Mrs R, i could not get out until the 2nd of January.

I finished the month on a respectable 93 species, the following is what i saw during this month of local birding.

Thursday 2nd 

An all day visit today saw a respectable 79 species being recorded on my first venture out on the patch.

A listen for Owls before dawn, saw only a single Tawny entering the notes, as it was heard calling in Redhouse Wood.

Winter's Pond first thing held the 1st winter Red-necked Grebe still, which was a cracking start to proceedings. Also on Winter's were 7 Barnacle Geese and on the adjacent fields a single Russian White-fronted Goose was seen with the local Greylag flock.

Back to Winter's and 11 Pochard were present along with a single female Goldeneye, the regular female Kingfisher, a single Little Egret and a Cetti's Warbler, kept things ticking over nicely.

The marshes were pretty productive today also, with 7 Ruff, Bar and Black-tailed Godwits, 163 Curlew, 4050 Lapwing and 21 Canada Geese being seen. Relatively small numbers of Teal and Wigeon were recorded when compared to previous visits.

Some nice raptors sightings in the marshes area included a Merlin, Female Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard and Kestrel, with a Short-eared Owl performing really nicely later in the day.

A walk up into the village added the first of 6 Stonechat to enter the notes for the day, along with a female Great-spotted Woodpecker and Goldcrest along Jericho Lane.

Saturday 4th

Back to the patch again today, with Tim this time and meeting up with Jon, saw incredibly no sign of either the Red-necked Grebe or Russian White-front, as they had moved on, no doubt due to the freezing weather.

A few nice sightings around Winter's included a Peregrine which flew over towards Killingholme, 19 Little Grebe, 4 Marsh Harrier, 2 Little Egret and 32 Avocet feeding along the Humber shore.

A good tramp around the Skitter pools, saw at least 4 Water Pipit being seen, along with 2 Rock Pipit, but the star of the show here was a lovely 1st winter female Snow Bunting which was watched feeding along the edge of the saltmarsh. This is the first i have seen here in January for a very long time.

At Ruins Pond, 2 Bearded Tit were seen, another welcome addition to the year list.

A Short-eared Owl hunted along the edge of the marshes after being harassed from its daytime roost by a moronic, clueless togger!.

Sunday 12th

A steady visit today saw more of the same sightings as the last two visits, apart from 2 different Russian White-fronted Geese continuing the excellent run of records. They really do seem to like hanging around with Greylags!.

Sunday 19th

An excellent start to the day before dawn, saw a good series of records entering the notes, which included 4 calling male Tawny Owl, a NFY Little Owl, 2 calling male Grey Partridge and 14 Snipe.

Still only low numbers of Wildfowl were around, with 6 Pochard still at Winter's, 10 Coot and only 8 Little Grebe now.

It was a pretty decent day for raptors today as well, with an adult Peregrine sat in one of the fields along Marsh Lane, and a lovely Merlin hunting along the marshes.

A superb count of 172 Curlew feeding on the marshes today was great to see, with 6 Barnacle Geese feeding here also.

It was nice to see 47 Avocet feeding on the mud just in front of Winter's today, something that just did not happen in January in the past.

Sunday 26th

A really enjoyable day today, with the smartest bird of the year seen so far, a stunning male Hen Harrier. The bird was watched as it hunted in unison with 2 Merlins, a habit i have seen before in the past. The Harrier flushed up the small birds and the Merlins then began chasing the Finches and Buntings the Harrier had flushed, a great piece of behaviour to watch.

The Winter's/Marshes area saw a considerable increase in numbers of birds on today's visit, with 755 Wigeon, 110 Gadwall, 13 Barnacle Geese, 355 Greylag, 565 Lapwing, 16 Black-tailed Godwit and 201 Curlew. The latter is a record count for the marshes.

In the village a pair of Great-spotted Woodpecker were seen along with 10 Redwing and a Jay was seen along East Halton beck.

As i wandered back to the car, 2 lovely Drake Goosander flew over for my 93rd species for the month and 74th species for the day.

A good month with plenty of scope for some more additions to the year list.

1st winter female Snow Bunting, East Halton Skitter.

Manor House Farm, East Halton.

Distant Russian White-fronted Geese, East Halton.

A Fiery Sunrise Over Killingholme.

Winter's Pond Sunrise.

Sundown Along Marsh Lane, East Halton.

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