Monday, 3 March 2025

Troutsdale, Saturday 22nd February 2025

With the prospect of near perfect weather conditions for birds of prey, i made the journey north from my home in North Lincolnshire, to one of my favourite areas in Yorkshire, Troutsdale Valley.

The valley is situated roughly to the west of Scarborough, with Wykeham Forest to the south and Broxa and Langdale Forests to the north, this valley has some fantastic habitat, couple that with the North Yorkshire Moors and the River Derwent running through the valley also, it is just a special place!.

After parking at my usual spot beside the River Derwent at Hilla Green, i got my pack up and kit  together and some warm clothes on and headed off, checking the River first.

It wasn't long before i was watching the local pair of Dippers, as the male sang his lovely, scratchy song to his mate nearby. Dippers really are a special species for me and are cemented in my top five birds to see, just perfect.

Other species around Hilla included 3 Grey Wagtail, 2 Marsh Tit, the electric blue flash of a Kingfisher and around the ox-bow, a pair of Mandarin Duck.

As the sun rose and i walked, I stopped to start scanning the valley, as i looked behind me i saw the incredible sight of not one, but two male Goshawks flying right towards me. They seem preoccupied with chasing each other and flew past at 50 metres range giving some stunning views in the binos.

I carried on watching over the next 7 hours seeing at least 3 pairs of Gos displaying with additionally, 2 immature birds (a male and female) watched soaring over separately along the valley, making for at least 10 birds in all, but there were probably more. The views can be exceptional at times, with patience and the weather was just perfect today to get these big Accipiters up in the heavens, with hardly a spell without a bird on view. At one point there were 4 birds flying around together, just fantastic!.

While watching the valley, at least 6 Common Buzzard, a male Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and 2 Raven were also seen, along with a handful of Crossbills and 35 Siskin making for some great viewing.

A pretty decent 51 species were logged during the visit and after enjoying this raptor spectacle, i travelled back home completely satisfied in more amazing views of our 'Ghost Of The Forest'.

Troutsdale Valley.

Hilla Green & The River Derwent.

Male Dipper, Looking Lovely In The Afternoon Sunshine.

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